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Grand Prize
A Year of Seasoning Recently my wife and I took a vacation to Walt Disney World with loving family. We hope Kikkoman seasons your life in 2013. |
奥様と家族とディズニーワールドに行かれた時のお写真とか、いや~ まずカメラに向かってのご家族の皆さんの笑顔がよいですね。 Seeing this photograph with all the smiling faces of a husband spending time with his wife and family at Disney World is simply wonderful. Looking closely at the picture with everyone raising their glasses up for a toast you can spot some humor, with one person holding a sauce bottle with the label perfectly oriented towards the camera, while another person in the picture is holding up a sauce bottle up to their glass as if they are about to pour out and drink the sauce. The picture feels like it would fit in well as part of a scene airing on TV, or as an advertisement posted up somewhere. This is simply a fun picture, full of smiles and humor. |
Award for Excellence
ニジマス旨し! 秋にキャンプに行った時自分たちで釣り上げたニジマスをじっくり炭火で焼き上げた魚は各段においしい! We went on a camping trip in autumn where we fished for rainbow trout, which tasted delicious after being cooked over some hot coals! |
まさにニジマスにかぶり付いた瞬間ですね。自分で釣り上げたニジマスを竹に刺して炭火でじっくり焼いてその場で食べる。自然の中で生きているものに感謝しながら食べる事は、日頃の食卓での食事と一味違って、味わい深いものでしょう。 This is the exact moment when the trout is still intact, with the picture taken at the location where the trout is both prepared and cooked over hot coals. There is no other taste that matches the sensation of being among nature and being appreciative for the bounty it gives. It is simply a completely different experience when compared to eating at the kitchen table. |
旧正月のお祝い 中国の旧正月に家族全員でのお祝い Celebrating the Chinese Lunar New Year with the family |
中国での旧正月のお祝との事ですが、日本の1月1日と同じで新年のお祝いの行事で、それぞれが働いている所からこの日にあわせて帰ってきて、家族が集まり祝う大事な日なのですね。写真を見ると円卓の上の料理を囲い、正面の女性はお母さんでしょうか?笑顔で皆さんを迎えているようですね。周りの皆さんもグラスを持ってまさにカンペイをする所でしょう。一年の節目に家族が集まり料理を囲んでお祝をする大切な行事ですね。 The Lunar New Year in China carries the same importance as New Year's Day on January 1st does in Japan. It is a time when family comes together to celebrate the beginning of a new year. The photo shows a round table filled with food while everyone is giving off a warm. Everyone in the picture is holding a glass as they are about to toast. |
Victory Meal Salute A photo of the victroy meal and celibration for the Kikkoman Foods Inc baseball team, They had a very successful year and always enjoyed a good meal with their teammates after the games! |
社内の野球チームのゲームに優勝した後の食事会との事、チームの皆で乾杯のシーンの瞬間が上手く撮影されていますね。奥のお母さん方でしょうか?乾杯の瞬間を逃すまいとカメラを構えて撮影していますね。その場の雰囲気がこの写真には良く表現されています。 The picture shows a celebration after a Kikkoman baseball team comes in 1st. The picture is taken right at the moment when everyone is toasting. It looks like the mother in the back is concentrating on taking a picture as to not miss a single moment of the toast. The picture captures the atmosphere perfectly. |
餃子 兄妹で餃子を作ってくれました。自分で作った餃子を二人ともたくさん食べてくれました。 Siblings making homemade gyoza and enjoying their efforts with a big feast afterwards |
写真を見ていると兄妹の様子がよく分かります。お兄ちゃんが餃子の皮を包んでいる手元を妹はどんなふうに包めばいいのか見ていますね。お兄ちゃんは妹の手本になるように一生懸命包んでいるのでしょうか?二人の真剣な表情が見る人には微笑ましく写っています。自分たちで作った餃子は本当においしかったでしょうね。 You can really understand the bond between the older brother and his sister just by looking at the picture. It looks like the brother is working hard to demonstrate to his sister how best to wrap the filling to make gyoza. The serious expressions on their faces are enough to give anyone looking at this picture a smile. I wonder how the gyoza they made turned out? |
チビコックさん 子どもの日にニューオータニでコックさんごっこ。焼いたお肉は均等にカット~ではなく、焼いた本人のお皿に半分以上がいき、私の分は少なかったけど、息子が焼いてくれたお肉はとても美味しかったです♪ My son spent the day as a chef at the Hotel New Otani to celebrate Children's Day. The meat my son cooked was not cut in half. He gave himself more than half, while leaving only a small portion on my plate. Even so, the dish my son made for me was very delicious! |
いや~ コック姿が良く似合っていますね。その姿勢、手つき、表情もプロのコックさん顔負けです。ニューオータニのこどもの日のイベントとの事ですが、なかなかできない体験ですね。この写真では、息子さんのお肉を焼いている表情とその焼き方を見ている料理人の方の表情がよく出ていて、店の雰囲気も伝わってきます。 The chef's outfit really suits the child well. The outfit and expression really puts a professional chef to shame. Being a special event for Children's Day at a luxury hotel like the New Otani is definitely a rare, if not a once in a lifetime experience. The expression of both the chef and the child, and the way he is cooking the meat, you can really get a feel for the mood that is filling that restaurant. |
わが家のお正月! |
クリスマスケーキできたよ! |
まるで大家族のような |
A Girl's Hot-Pot Party |
お・い・し・い |
異国でのお正月 |
Big smiles! |
働いた後のご飯は最高! |
イチゴ採れたよ! |
冬の風物詩・りんご |
初めてのとうもろこし狩り! |
今回も、あなたの「おいしい記憶」をおしえてください。フォトコンテストに、多くの皆様が写真をお送りくださり、ありがとうございました。 Comments from Photographer Yasuyuki AmazutsumiIn line with Kikkoman's brand slogan of "Seasoning your life", for this year's photo contest we once again asked everyone to share with us the way food is a seasoning in their life. We are thankful for the positive response and all the photos that were submitted! Yasuyuki Amazutsumi |