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ピッチピチ☆ Extremely Fresh☆ 魚は釣りたてが一番っ!自分達で釣ったお魚は格別においしかったです。 Freshly caught fish are the best! The fish we caught ourselves were particularly delicious. |
中々立派なおさかなを釣り上げていますね。釣ったばかりの新鮮なおさかなを手に持って本日の釣果を見せて笑顔で記念写真に収まっている皆さん。青空と海がバックでとても良い笑顔の写真です。この後に釣った魚を食べられたそうですが、釣る楽しみと釣った魚を食べる喜びがあり、本当に楽しそうです。女性3人の記念写真ですが、釣った魚を入れての皆さんの表情と港の雰囲気が明るい日差しの中でうまく表現されています。 You’ve caught some rather splendid fish. Everyone is holding freshly caught fish in their hands showing the day’s catch and posing for a commemorative photo with a smile. With the blue sky and sea in the background, it is a picture filled with happy smiles. I’m sure you all ate the fish you caught after this. The joy of fishing and eating what you caught makes it really enjoyable. It is a photo of three women, but how they and the fish look, together with the atmosphere of the port, are portrayed beautifully in the bright sunlight. It was a good photo opportunity. |
七草がゆ Seven-herb Rice Porridge 1月7日の人日の節句で七草がゆをつくりました。刻んでおかゆに入れたスズナの味は、ちょぴりほろ苦かったようです。 We made seven-herb rice porridge for Jinjitsu on January 7th*. The flavor of the turnip leaves we shred and put in the rice porridge was slightly bitter.
*In Japan, at the start of every new year on January 7th, many people eat rice porridge containing seven different kinds of herbs and pray for a plentiful harvest so that their families may live happily and healthily. |
子どもたちが人日の節供で七草がゆをつくると言う風習を行うことはとても良いことですね。 It’s very good that children practice the traditional custom of making seven-herb rice porridge for the holiday of Jinjitsu. You can easily see that both children are working hard to cook, with your son looking earnestly as his older sister cuts the turnip. You casually took the picture in order to maintain their serious atmosphere, but I think it was taken very well. You wrote that the flavor of the turnip leaves was slightly bitter, but I hope that even when your children are all grown up they will continue this custom. |
収穫って楽しいね! Harvesting is so much fun! たくさん野菜を収穫しました。とても楽しかったです。みんなで記念にパチリ!! We harvested a lot of vegetables. It was a great time. A perfect way to remember our time together!! |
野菜部のお集まりだと伺っていますが、収穫したばかりの野菜を持って思い思いのポーズをとっている皆さんのとても得意そうで、和やかな雰囲気がこの写真からよく伝わってきます。植物を育てることは土づくりからで、その後も収穫できるまでは多くの手間がかかります。その間の手間があっての収穫ですから、喜びもひとしおでしょうし、収穫後は、いろいろなお料理に使われたと思いますが、どの野菜もとってもおいしかったでしょう。 This was a group of casual vegetable gardeners, but the peaceful atmosphere of everyone triumphantly posing in their own way while holding the vegetables just harvested is conveyed very well. Growing plants starts from keeping the soil conditioned, and after that it takes a lot of work until it’s time to harvest. Harvesting after all of that hard work is a particular pleasure. After harvesting them, you probably used them to make various dishes, but I’m sure they were all very delicious. I’d like to see a photo of everyone enjoying how they taste next time. This is a photograph that will become a memory of the harvest where everyone’s warm and very friendly personality is shown. |
初めての煮物料理 Made nimono for the first time 娘が初めて筍の煮物に挑戦しました。生の筍をゆでるところからがんばりました。自分でつくるとおいしいね!とたくさん食べていました。 My daughter tried to make simmered bamboo shoots for the first time. She did her best starting from boiling the raw bamboo shoots. She ate so much, saying “it tastes good when I make it myself.” |
いやぁ~、良い笑顔ですねぇ~。筍の煮物の入った器を持った娘さんの得意満面な笑顔が良いです。生の筍をゆでるところからがんばったと書いてありますが、下ゆでから完成まで一人でやり遂げた後の筍は本当においしかったでしょうね。これからもいろいろなお料理にトライしてほしいですね。少し広角系のレンズで上から画面に大きく筍の煮物と娘さんを撮らえていて、シャッターチャンスも良く自然光も効果的でした。娘さんの思い出に残る良い写真です。 Wow, that’s such a great smile. Your daughter, holding the bowl filled with simmered bamboo shoots, has a wonderful triumphant smile. You wrote that she did everything starting from boiling the raw bamboo shoots. I’m sure that the bamboo shoots she was able to make from boiling until the end were very tasty. I hope that she will attempt to make many different types of dishes in the future. You were able to capture the simmered bamboo shoots and your daughter large in the screen from above with a wide-angle lens, the opportunity for the photo was good, and the natural lighting was effective. It’s a photograph that will remain in your daughter’s memories. |
大豊作! A bumper crop! 毎週のように週末は畑に通いました。今日は大豊作。しばらく野菜づくしです! We went to the fields on the weekend as always. Today was a bumper crop. We’ll have a lot of vegetables for a while! |
前回か前々回ですか、収穫のお写真をお送りいただきましたね。 I’m not sure if it was last time or the time before last, but I think you sent in a harvesting photograph then. This time, you were able to harvest many different kinds of vegetables. Did you grow them with your family? This is a comforting photograph, with green fields in the background, plenty of delicious harvested vegetables in the foreground, and the two pleasant smiles. People looking at this photo can feel the atmosphere and mood of the moment. You’ve made good use of the deep fields in the background, including the vegetables and the mother and daughter in the foreground. |
から揚げお好み焼きで倍返しだっ! Father’s special kara-age and okonomiyaki! 子どもたちが大好きな、お父さんのから揚げとお好み焼き。今日のお父さんは太っ腹。なんと一度に両方つくってくれました! から揚げがややしょっぱかったので、お好み焼きはしょうゆでいただきました! The children really love their father’s kara-age, deep-fried chicken, and okonomiyaki, savory pancake with various ingredient. He was generous and made both today. The kara-age was slightly salty, so they had the okonomiyaki with soy sauce! |
唐揚げとお好み焼きがとてもおいしそうですね。 The kara-age and okonomiyaki look very good. Is it dad’s specialty? You can see dad with a happy smile holding the spatula with okonomiyaki and the child’s satisfied face from eating okonomiyaki. It’s a photo with a great atmosphere. With the hotplate with okonomiyaki and bowl of kara-age in the foreground, the setup lets us know the situation at a glance. The angle is good, too. You wrote that you had the okonomiyaki with soy sauce. I think the flavor is indeed light and delicious. I’m sure your children will remember the taste of their father’s okonomiyaki and kara-age even when they are older. |
初めての餅つき! |
サンタクロースにプレゼント? |
手作りだんごうめ〜 |
Christmas Potluck Lunch |
早く食べたいなー |
パエリアを作りました |
O・S・O・B・A |
Noah loves his soy sauce |
Pizza Time! |
うどん |
どれどれ・・・・ ワイン会社でワインを研究している父親が、娘の結婚式に、ワインを用意。 |
My favorite soy sauce! |
朋あり遠方より来る、また”美味し”からずや |
復興〜↑からの〜↑↑牡蠣づくしに〜、あげぽよ〜!! |
Comments from Photographer Yasuyuki Amazutsumi
I would like to thank the many people who once again sent in food-related photographs filled with the various feelings of those moments for the “Seasoning your life” Photo Contest. While looking at each photograph received from everyone as a judge, more than the photo’s technical quality, I endeavored to choose those which could share with others the thoughts and time captured in the photo. This is the fifth time for me to be given the privilege of being the judge for this photo contest. The first time I was the judge, I felt that there were mostly photos taken by mothers of children eating alone. However, after the disaster, the second and third times, I sensed that there were now mostly photographs of families eating together inside. This time, there are many photographs taken outside, with parents and their children, siblings, grandparents and grandchildren, friends, colleagues, group members and others sharing their time together through meals. I was able to experience the feelings and mood of the photographs, seeing many where the bonds of each relationship were deepening. I think that mothers had surely taken these, but there were many scenes of fathers and their children. The expressions of their faces were captured very well, and I was impressed with the angles and compositions. I felt warm when looking at the expressions of people even in the photographs of colleague gatherings, and it was heartwarming to see scenes of grandfathers and their grandchild. I myself have once again felt the importance of sharing time and deepening bonds through eating. This year marks three years since the Great East Japan Earthquake and nuclear accident occurred. Signs of the disaster and tsunami are becoming harder to see, but there are effects of the radiation, and there are still many people who have no choice but to live in temporary housing away from their hometowns and in other prefectures. To eat food is to connect lives. I would like everyone to lead healthy lives with balanced meals while deepening bonds. Yasuyuki Amazutsumi |