Global Warming Prevention
The Kikkoman Group has set a goal of a 50% reduction in CO2 emissions that are considered ascribable to global warming by FY2030 compared to FY2018. To accomplish this goal, we pursue measures such as utilization of renewable energys, improvements in processes, and introduction of energy-efficient facilities.
Utilization of Renewable Energys
Renewable Energy-Derived Electricity
The Kikkoman Group has started shifting electricity used in each department to "renewable energy sources."
Facilities using 100% renewable energy-derived electricity in Japan (in order of transition-completed year)
2020 |
Kikkoman Noda Head Office, Saitama Kikkoman Co., Kikkoman General Hospital
2021 | Kikkoman Soyfoods Co. (Gifu Plant), Kikkoman R&D Center, Kikkoman Foodtech Co. (Nakanodai Plant) |
2022 | Kikkoman Tokyo Head Office, Kikkoman Foods Co. (Noda Factory), Kikkoman Foodtech Co., Ltd. (Main Plant, Edogawa Plant), Manns Wine Co., Ltd. (Katsunuma Winery, Komoro Winery), Kikkoman Biochemifa Co. (Edogawa Plant, Kamogawa Plant), Hokkaido Kikkoman Co., Nagareyama Kikkoman Co., Kikkoman Soyfoods Co. (Saitama Plant, Ibaraki Plant) |
Facilities using 100% renewable energy-derived electricity overseas (in order of transition-completed year)
2021 |
Kikkoman Foods Europe B.V.
2023 |
Kikkoman Foods, Inc. (California Plant), JFC International Inc. ( North American offices)* |
* Achieved 100% renewable energy-derived electricity by combining green power certificates with purchased electricity.
In fiscal 2024, renewable energy-delivered electricity is expected to account for 64% of the total electricity used by the Kikkoman Group in Japan and overseas.
Utilization of Carbon Offset City Gas
In addition, as for gas we use, it has been fully switched to Carbon Offset City Gas at Kikkoman Noda Head Office, Kikkoman R&D Center and Brewing Development Center while partially switched to Carbon Offset City Gas at Kikkoman Foods Co. (Takasago Factory) and Kikkoman Foodtech Co., Ltd. (Nishinippon Plant).
The Kikkoman Corporation is a member of the Carbon Offset City Gas Buyers Alliance.
PV Systems Installation
In an effort to reduce CO2 emissions, we have been installing PV (photovoltaic or solar panel) systems on our building roofs to generate a clean electricity source from sunlight (energy) for use in our operations.
- *Installation completed at 5 locations as of April 2024
Approaches in the production departments
The Kikkoman Group's production departments take a fresh look at production methods, facilities, and energy sources to reduce greenhouse gases.
Reducing the amount of steam in a rotary koji making
Kikkoman Food Products Noda Factory used to use steam insulation to prevent condensation, which occurred when cold air entered the circular koji making room through gaps created by deterioration of inside walls. We were able to stop the use of steam insulation by closing the gaps, which the cold air flows into, as much as possible.
This has resulted in a reduction in the amount of steam used in the koji making process by approximately 20 percent and CO2 emissions by 360 tons per year.
An update of two chiller unit systems in March 2021
We monitor the temperature at the coolant inlet of the chiller unit systems to keep the inside of the coolant tank at a constant temperature. We have introduced models that allow efficient continuous operation. We expect a 600 to 800-t reduction in CO2 emissions per year.
An update of 4 out of 18 compact boilers in September 2021
We have introduced models that recover heat waste of exhaust gases efficiently for reuse.Once all the 18 compact boilers have been updated, we expect a 200-t reduction in CO2 emissions per year.
Unification of raw ingredient silos
At Kikkoman Food Products Co. (Noda Factory), we improved the large silo on the factory site to use it for various purposes and unified the raw ingredient storage. We discontinued the long-distance (appx. 300m) pneumatic conveyance from the large silo outside of the site and decommissioned the large blower for the pneumatic conveyance. This resulted in a reduction in energy used for the large blower that was equivalent to 94t-CO2 emissions per year.
Change in temperature in the mirin fermentation and aging tank
At Nagareyama Kikkoman Co., Ltd., we succeeded in setting a proper temperature to process rice in the fermentation and aging process of moromi to produce mirin and establishing the agitation method to shorten the aging time. This saved steam used to heat the fermentation and aging tank in summer. We expect a 25.8-t reduction in CO2 emissions per year that used to be produced by steam generation.
Initiatives Across Logistics Departments
The Kikkoman Group pays careful attention to CO2 emissions from our logistics departments (consolidated subsidiaries including Sobu Logistics Co., Ltd.) and is carrying out efforts for reduction.
Streamlined Shipping
By reviewing basic criteria for shipment lots and delivery destinations, we increased the number of products that could be shipped to each customer in a single delivery, resulting in improved shipping efficiency.
Exterior Package Review for Increased Load Factor
By reviewing the exterior size of our products, we are working to improve vehicle loading efficiency by increasing the number of loading cases per pallet.
Joint Shipping
We consolidate food manufacturers’ products, including those of other companies, at our Transfer Centers (TC), and then deliver these to business partners, throughout Japan together with other manufacturers’ products. In this way, we contribute to reducing environmental impact by improving shipping efficiency.
Modal Shift
Kikkoman has been certified as an “Eco Rail Mark Company” by the Japan Railway Freight Association. The “Eco Rail Mark” is a mark that may be used by companies and products officially recognized for proactive use of railway freight transport on their packages and catalogs. We are contributing to reducing CO2 emissions and preserving the global environment by promoting a modal shift from truck to railway and maritime transport for mid- to long-range logistics.
Low Pollution Vehicles & Idling Stop Systems
As an initiative for environmental conservation, Sobu Logistics Co., Ltd. is proactively introducing low pollution vehicles.
We are committed to achieving green transport by introducing trucks equipped with idling stop coolers powered by on-board batteries for one to two hours, producing zero emissions, as well as idling stop heaters that use 1/10th of regular diesel fuel amounts.
Moreover, we are striving to further reduce CO2 emissions by raising the level of awareness within our transport facilities, such as by using idling stop systems, restricting speed, and conserving energy and resources. In addition, we aim to further reduce CO2 emissions by introducing fuel-efficient, low-emission trucks and fully promoting green transport.
Approaches in the offices
In the Kikkoman Group’s offices, we are pursuing a wide range of approaches. They include controlling room temperatures in summer (28°C) and winter (20°C), encouraging employees to wear lightweight clothes in summer, reducing the use of lighting, turning off lights when not in use, strictly controlling the use of OA equipment, encouraging the use of video conferencing system, practicing ecological driving, and introducing fuel-efficient or hybrid cars.
The Kikkoman Noda Head Office building in Noda City, Chiba Prefecture was designed to be an "environmentally sustainable office." In keeping with the goal of maintaining harmony with the natural environment and lowering environmental loads, various advanced technological devices are employed.
The building was highly evaluated by specialists. It received the New Office Promotion Award of the Nikkei New Office Award and the Architectural Culture Award of Chiba Prefecture in 2001, the Examination Committee Encouragement Prize of the 9th Environmental and Energy Saving Architecture Award in 2002, the 4th Sustainable Architecture Award by the Japan Institute of Architects (JIA) in 2003, and the Special Award "Ten-Year Award" of the Society of Heating, Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan (SHASE) in 2011.
The Noda Head Office compound consists of an Office Building (North Building) and a Conference Room Building (South Building).
In the rectangular-shaped Office Building stretching from east to west, office rooms are arranged on the north side that is less affected by sunlight to ensure stable work environments. On the south side there is the entrance hall built in a wellhole style. In addition, we installed large windows to make full use of natural sunlight and winds. Also other devices were introduced to pursue a reduction in energy usage for lighting and air-conditioning, including the luminance control system controlled by the daylight sensor, the horizontal external louvers to control the flow of sunlight into the rooms, and double-glass air flow to enhance insulation.
In addition, the building has been switching to LED lighting to promote energy savings.
Introduction of the Electric Vehicles
One car of Kikkoman R&D Center and two cars of the Kikkoman Noda Head Office have been switched to electric vehicles, and charging stations have been installed in the sites. We will consider further introduction of electric vehicles in the future, taking into account the availability of external charging stations.
Kikkoman General Hospital
The Kikkoman Group has been managing Kikkoman General Hospital as part of contributions to the local community in Noda City, Chiba Prefecture, the birthplace of Kikkoman.
With a base-isolated structure, the new building constructed in 2012 is designed to maintain its functional integrity even in times of disaster. Additionally, due consideration has been given to the environment through enabling full use of natural lighting, placement of solar panels at the entrance to enable power generation, efficient use of well water, and implementation of energy saving equipment and instruments.
Utilization of external evaluation systems
The Kikkoman Group actively takes part in surveys conducted by external organizations and uses evaluations on its environmental conservation activities to improve them.
We utilize external evaluation provided by CDP, which is a non-profit organization that motivates enterprises to disclose their approaches to address environmental issues such as climate change, greenhouse gas reduction, water resource conservation, and forest conservation and their impacts on the environment and natural resources and take action to reduce them. CDP asks relatively large capitalization value enterprises in major countries for responses, evaluates and scores the results, and discloses them.
The Kikkoman Group has been responding to the CDP Climate Change Questionnaire since FY2014 and utilizing the result as a tool to understand a level of its approaches on environmental conservation activities, especially on a reduction in CO₂ emissions through business activities, from objective and global perspectives.
According to the evaluation result in CDP Climate Change Report in 2023, the Kikkoman Group is classified as a leadership level and acquired an A- score.
Among five of the eleven evaluation items, including "emission reduction activities," we received an "A" score.
The Kikkoman Group keeps pursuing even more reduction in CO2 emissions.