Weights & Measurements

Conversion of weights and measurements can be a headache for cooking lovers.
We hope this page is of some help in clarifying the weights and measurements used in Kikkoman recipes.

Cup Measures (US)

1/4 C=60 ml=2 fl. oz.=4 Tbsp
1/2 C=120 ml=4 fl. oz.=1/4 pint
3/4 C=180 ml=6 fl. oz.=12 Tbsp
1 C=240 ml=8 fl. oz.=1/2 pint

US Customary/Metric Weights

1/4 oz. = about 8 g (7.9 g)
1/2 oz. = about 15 g (14.2 g)
1 oz. = about 30 g (28.35 g)
4 oz. = about 115 g (113.4 g)
8 oz. = about 230 g (226.8 g)
1 lb. = about 450 g (453.6 g)

Metric/US Customary Weights

1 g = about 1/32 oz.
10 g = about 1/3 oz.
50 g = about 1-3/4 oz.
100 g = about 3-1/2 oz.
300 g = about 10-1/2 oz.
450 g = about 1 lb. (16 oz.)
1 kg = about 2-1/4 lb.

Liquid Measures

1 tsp (US) = 1/6 fl. oz.
1 Tbsp (US) = 1/2 fl. oz.

1 tsp (US) = about 5 ml (4.9 ml)
1 Tbsp (US) = about 15 ml (14.7 ml)
100 ml = about 3-1/2 fl. oz. (3.4 fl. oz.)

250 ml = about 8-1/2 fl. oz. (8.45 fl. oz.)
500 ml = about 1 pint (US) (16.9 fl. oz.)
1 L = about 2 pints (US) (33.8 fl. oz.)

1 fl. oz. = about 30 ml (29.6 ml)
1 pint (US) = about 1/2 L (473 ml)
1 quart (US) = about 1 L (946 ml)
1 gallon (US) = about 3-3/4 L (3.79 L)


300 C<->570-575 F
290 C<->550-555 F
280 C<->535-540 F
270 C<->515-520 F
260 C<->500 F
250 C<->480-485 F
240 C<->460-465 F
230 C<->445-450 F
220 C<->425-430 F
210 C<->410 F
200 C<->390-395 F
190 C<->370-375 F
180 C<->355-360 F
170 C<->335-340 F
160 C<->320 F
150 C<->300-305 F
140 C<->280-285 F
130 C<->265-270 F
120 C<->245-250 F
110 C<->230 F
100 C<->210-215 F
90 C<->190-195 F

Celsius/Fahrenheit Converter

Try our automatic Celsius/Fahrenheit Converter!
Just type in the temperature in the left box and click on [ C >> F ] or [ F >> C ] button.
The result will automatically appear in the right box.

Unfortunately this converter does not work with old browsers before Netscape Navigator 3.0 or Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0. Please download the latest version of the browser from Netscape or Microsoft.

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