- Soy Sauce Export in the Edo Period -according to the Nagasaki Trading Firm Journal
- Profiles of Dr. Teijiro Yamawaki
- Official Trade Freight and Private Trade Freight
- Soy Sauce Export to Asian Countries
- Soy Sauce Export to Batavia HQ
- Soy Sauce Export to the Netherlands
- Comprador Soy Sauce Bottle (1)
- Comprador Soy Sauce Bottle (2)
- Soy Sauce Exported as Waki Nimotsu (private trade freight)
- Soy Sauce Exported by Chinese Ships
- Production Sites of Exported Soy Sauce
- Transportation of Comprador Soy Sauce Bottles
- Comprador Merchant Guild (1)
- Comprador Merchant Guild (2)
- References
Packages and Containers of Shoyu as Viewed from Food Culture
- Scope of Exhibition
- What is Packaging? (1) The Definition of Packaging
- What is Packaging? (2) Purposes of Food Packages
- What is Packaging? (3) Functions of Shoyu Containers
- Brief History of Shoyu Containers
- The Varieties of Shoyu Packages
- ”Barrel” The Representative of Shoyu Containers(1) Varieties of Barrel
- ”Barrel” The Representative of Shoyu Containers(2) Development of the Barrel
- ”Barrel” The Representative of Shoyu Containers(3) Barrel Marking
- ”Barrel” The Representative of Shoyu Containers(4) Making a Barrel
- Summary
- References