Respecting Human Rights
The Kikkoman Group’s business operations are conducted and based on a fundamental respect for human rights. This approach is reflected in our Business Principles and stated in our Code of Conduct: “We respect personalities and individualities, foster mutual understanding, and stamp out discriminations based on prejudices. We make fair evaluations in the treatment of employees.”
In 2001, Kikkoman became the first Japanese signatory of the United Nations Global Compact and announced its policy to ensure the upholding of its responsibilities when it comes to respecting human rights.
The Kikkoman Group Human Rights Policy states that the Group supports and respects international standards for human rights, such as the International Bill of Human Rights, in line with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. The Group’s initiatives such as supply chain assessment and internal training will be undertaken in full compliance with the Human Rights Policy.
The Kikkoman Group Human Rights Policy
Please download the policy from the following link.