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Celebrating Kikkoman Soy Sauce Production in Brazil

April 06, 2022

The kagami-biraki launch ceremony featuring a soy sauce barrel
Kikkoman Soy Sauce produced locally in Brazil.

In November 2021, Kikkoman Corporation celebrated the start of production and shipment of Kikkoman Soy Sauce at its Campinas plant in São Paulo, Brazil. The Brazil plant represents Kikkoman’s eighth overseas soy sauce production facility, joining others that include two in the US, one in Europe and four in Asia.

To introduce this latest locally produced soy sauce, a celebratory launch event was held on November 1, 2021, at Restaurante Aizomê, a Japanese restaurant in Japan House São Paulo.

Chef Guga Rocha (l.) and Chef Telma Shiraishi

The celebration featured fusion dishes based on Japanese and Brazilian cuisines, as created by two prominent local chefs, Telma Shiraishi and Guga Rocha. Chef Telma Shiraishi owns Restaurante Aizomê, an authentic Japanese restaurant with two locations in São Paulo. In March 2019, she received the honorary title of Japanese Cuisine Goodwill Ambassador from Japan’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, in recognition of her contributions to the promotion of Japanese cuisine overseas. Chef Guga Rocha is a prominent figure among the new generation of Brazilian chefs, and is also a popular and talented food presenter renowned for showcasing dishes in an entertaining, easy-to-follow manner.

For the launch event, dishes involved locally grown ingredients, seasoned to accommodate local tastes while highlighting the authentic rich flavor and aroma of Kikkoman Soy Sauce. Dining selections included a soft-shell crab tempura with ponzu sauce based on bocaiuva, a Brazilian palm plant, and a dish featuring pirarucu, a freshwater fish commonly enjoyed in Brazil. These ingenious combinations of local ingredients complemented by Kikkoman Soy Sauce were well-received by guests.

Pirarucu in steamed taioba leaf, with maturi nut velouté, xerém farofa and cajuína jelly and dedo-de-moça pepper
Soft-shell crab and cambuquira tempura with bocaiuva ponzu
Grilled shrimp with okra and mushrooms, spicy crustacean emulsion with cachaça and pickled maxixe

“Kikkoman Recipes from Around the World”

Kikkoman Soy Sauce is an all-purpose seasoning enjoyed worldwide. See our webpage to learn how Kikkoman Soy Sauce is used in Brazil.

Vol. 36

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