
(per serving)

Ingredients (Serves 4)

  • 4 prawns with shells, 20 g / 0.7 oz. each
  • 2 chicken fillets, 100 g / 3 ½ oz. total
  • 1/4 t Kikkoman Soy Sauce
  • 1/4 t sake
  • 4 shiitake mushrooms
  • 4 stalks of mitsuba (trefoil)
  • 3 large eggs
  • 480 ml / 2 C dashi stock
  • 1 T Kikkoman Manjo Mirin
  • 1 T Kikkoman Light Color Soy Sauce
  • 2/3 t salt
  • 2 servings frozen udon noodles, defrosted
  • 4 pieces kamaboko fish cake, cut in 8 mm- / 1/3 in.-thick slices
  • 4 fresh ginkgo nuts, cooked; if unavailable use canned
  • *1 C (U.S. cup) = approx. 240 ml; 1 T = 15 ml; 1 t = 5 ml


  1. 1

    Shell and devein the prawns, leaving tails on. Cut chicken fillets into thin slantwise slices; season with soy sauce and sake.

  2. 2

    Remove stems from the shiitake mushrooms. Cut a cross-shape into the caps of the mushrooms using a knife. Cut the mitsuba into 3-4 cm / 1-1 ½ in. lengths, reserving the leaves for garnish.

  3. 3

    In a bowl, gently beat the eggs using a pair of long cooking chopsticks or a fork; refrain from using a whisk so bubbles do not form on the surface. Add dashi, mirin, light color soy sauce, salt and mix, then pass through a strainer to make the mixture smooth.

  4. 4

    Into four individual serving bowls, evenly portion out the udon noodles along with the prawns, chicken, shiitake, kamaboko slices, ginkgo nuts and mitsuba stems. Pour equal portions of the egg mixture into each bowl and remove any bubbles in the liquid using a spoon.

  5. 5

    Fill the bottom two-thirds of a steamer*1 with water. Cover and place over high heat. When steam becomes visible, carefully place one serving bowl onto the steamer tray (see photo) for about 2 minutes covered on high heat. When the egg mixture turns creamy in color, turn heat to low and steam for another 10-12 minutes with the lid of the steamer slightly ajar to allow a little steam to escape. To confirm whether it is done, poke the center of the egg custard with a skewer. If transparent soup comes out, it is ready. Repeat this process with each of the remaining three servings.

  6. 6

    Remove bowl from steamer and garnish with mitsuba leaves.

  1. *1If a steamer is unavailable, fill a pot with water so it will cover a third or the bottom half of each serving bowl. Cover and place over high heat. When water comes to a boil, carefully place each serving bowl directly into the hot water, taking care not to burn the hands.

Recipe by Kikkoman Corporation

Vol. 32

Other recipes in this series


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