Glossary - Ingredients

Konnyaku / Yam Cake


A traditional processed food made from yams, low in calories and with a unique chewy texture

Whati is konnyaku?

Konnyaku (こんにゃく in Japanese) is a traditional Japanese processed food made from yam. It is often used in stews, stir-fries, etc. As konnyaku has a particular smell, it should be parboiled or stir-fried without any oil or water before use. If you tear it by hand or make incisions with a knife, the flavors of the dish you include it in will penetrate better. There are many varieties, such as konnyaku sheets, balls, threads, and sashimi konnyaku, which can be eaten raw. There is also black konnyaku mixed with seaweed, and white konnyaku without any seaweed.

Konnyaku sheets, balls, threads, and konnyaku yam

Storage to prevent food loss

Wash konnyaku before storing and wipe off the water thoroughly. If you soak it in an airtight container filled with water and refrigerate it, it can be stored for about a week. Or, if you wipe off the water and put it in an airtight container with the air removed, it can be stored for about a month in the freezer. The texture will change slightly, but this will have little effect if you use it in dishes like stews.


Konnyaku has become increasingly popular as a health food in Europe and North America over the past decade, due to its low calories and plant-based properties. Since thread konnyaku can also be used as a substitute for pasta, it is sometimes sold in supermarkets in North America under names such as "Miracle Noodles" and "Skinny Noodles."

Cooking Basics

Yam cake - cutting into bite-size pieces

Using a spoon to cut will result in a surface that is coarser than one cut using a knife, so flavor will be absorbed easier. You can also use your fingers to tear into bite-size chunks.

Yam cake - rubbing with salt

Rub yam cake with salt to remove its distinct odor. Use about 1 Tbsp of salt for 1 large yam cake. Rinse quickly and wipe dry before using.

Yam cake - parboiling

If you quickly place the yam cake into boiling water (parboil) the distinct odor of the yam cake will be removed, flavor and seasonings will be soaked up easier, and the rubbery texture will be refreshed. The appropriate boiling time is for 2 to 3 minutes in water that is at a rolling boil. Avoid over-boiling as this will result in hard yam cake.

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