Horse Mackerel Meuniere

Horse Mackerel Meuniere

Garnished with an onion and tomato sauce

Cooking time
  • Nutrition facts are for one serving.

Ingredients(Servings: 2)

Ingredients(Servings: 2)

a dash

1 Tbsp

(A) Seasoning

a dash

a dash

(B) Tomato sauce

1 Tbsp


1-1/3 Tbsp

a dash

a dash


  1. Remove the guts and scales from the horse mackerel, then quickly rinse and dry. Cut several slits into the surface of the fish.  Season with (A) and set aside for 5 minutes.
  2. Pat dry (1) with a paper towel, then lightly flour their surfaces entirely.
  3. Heat the olive oil in a frying pan over medium-low heat, then cook (2) for 7 to 8 minutes until crispy.  Turn over and cook further for 3 to 4 minutes, then serve on plates.
  4. Chop the cherry tomatoes (B) and mix with the other ingredients for the sauce, then pour on (3).

Cooking Basics

Horse mackerel - filleting

1. Remove scales (de-scale)

Spread a newspaper out over a cutting board and place the horse mackerel down. Move the tip of the knife from the tail towards the head to scrape off the scales.

2. Remove scutes (curved lateral line of hard scales)

Make a small angled cut with the tip of the knife from the tail and scrape off the scutes. Repeat in the same manner for the other side of the fish.

3. Chop off the head

Place the knife behind the pectoral fin and make an incision in the direction of the head with the knife at an angle (parallel to the gills). Slice in approximately half-way and then turn the horse mackerel over and repeat in the same manner on the opposite side making an incision with the knife to chop off the head.

4. Remove the innards

Insert the tip of the knife into the belly and make a shallow incision up to the anal fin, open the belly and remove the innards. At this point wrap up the innards in a newspaper, throw these away and rinse the horse mackerel with water and pat dry to remove excess moisture.

5. Fillet into 2-layers

Insert the knife from the flank until it reaches the backbone and slide the knife towards the head of the fish. Turn the horse mackerel over and repeat with the knife in the same manner from the belly. Lastly insert the knife facing the tail and slide it along the backbone to completely remove the fillet. Now you have a 2-layer fillet.

6. Fillet into 3-layers

Place the 2-layer filleted horse mackerel with the bones facing downwards, insert the knife from the flank until it reaches the backbone, slide the knife towards the tail to make an incision. Turn the horse mackerel over and make an incision with the knife in the same manner. Insert the knife at the base of the tail and slide it along the top of the backbone to remove the fillet from the backbone. Now you have a 3-layer fillet.

7. Remove the stomach bones

Lay the knife parallel to the cutting board and slice away the stomach bones.

8. Pull out small bones

Pull out small bones remaining in the mid-section of the fillet. These can be easily removed when pulled out in in the direction of from tail to head. To ensure no small bones go unnoticed, confirm with your fingers as you work to pull these out.

9. Remove the skin

Start skinning from an incision near the head and strip off the skin in the direction towards the tail.


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