「いつでも新鮮® しぼりたて生しょうゆ」"Itsudemo Shinsen (Always fresh) freshly squeezed Nama Shoyu (fresh raw Soy Sauce)",protected by multiple intellectual property rights (patent, design right, trademark right)
It is necessary that patents, design rights, and trademark rights are required to continue the market advantage in the differentiated products.
Protection by patent
- 1Technology related to the sealing structure of packaging containers (technology that does not oxidize soy sauce)
Protection by design right
- 1Design of packaging container (bottle)
- 2Bottle spout design of cap
Protection by trademark registered in Japan
- 1「いつでも新鮮」"Always fresh", Registration No. 5860508
- 2「キッコーマン六角形マーク」Kikkoman's hexagonal mark, Registration No. 50131
- 3「キッコーマン」, Kikkoman Registration No. 5318300
- 4「KIKKOMAN」, Kikkoman Registration No.5032970
- 5Position mark, Registration No.6169390
- 6Three-dimensional trademark, Registration No.6568026
- *"the Itsudemo Shinsen (Always fresh)" desk type bottle (see the image below) was registered as a three-dimensional trademark in 2022.