The trade secret of intellectual rights,
“the Itsudemo Shinsen (Always fresh)" series

「キッコーマン いつでも新鮮® しぼりたて生しょうゆ」"Kikkoman Itsudemo Shinsen (Always fresh) freshly squeezed Nama Shoyu (fresh raw Soy Sauce)" was launched on the market in September 2010.
Under the product concept of "Double fresh", it was released as an innovative new product by putting freshly squeezed Nama Shoyu in a brand new sealed container so that it would stay fresh for 90 days even after breaking the seal. The product won high reputation among consumers.

The current 200 ml sealed desktop bottle type was released in 2011, the 450 ml soft sealed bottle type was released in 2012, and the 620 ml eco friendly sealed bottle type was released in 2020.
19 types and 29 items of easy-to-use bottle type products have been released up until today (as of March 31, 2024).

As a matter of fact, intellectual rights such as trademark rights and patent rights are playing an active part in this 「キッコーマン いつでも新鮮® しぼりたて生しょうゆ」"Kikkoman Itsudemo Shinsen (Always fresh) freshly squeezed Nama Shoyu."