Glossary - Ingredients

Eel and Conger Eel / Unagi and Anago


Two popular long fish in Japan

What are eel and conger eel? 

Both eel / unagi (うなぎ in Japanese) and conger eel / anago (あなご in Japanese) are long, slender fish enjoyed worldwide. In Japan, they are typically prepared in two main ways: "shiroyaki" (grilled with just salt) and "kabayaki" (grilled with a sauce made from soy sauce, sake, sugar and other seasonings). The grilled eel is often eaten as is, served on rice, or used as a filling in rolled omelets. Conger eel, which is similar to eel but has less fat and a lighter taste, is often used in tempura or simmered in soy sauce to be served as sushi.

Nutrition facts

Eels are rich in vitamin A, which boosts immunity and strengthens skin and mucous membranes. They are also high in omega-3 fatty acids such as DHA and EPA. While conger eels also contain many vitamins, eels generally have higher levels.

How to storage: not to waste the ingredient

Wrap the fish tightly in plastic wrap and store it in the refrigerator or freeze it. It can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.


Eels have been treasured as a nutritious food for centuries. They are mentioned in a poem from the "Manyoshu", a Japanese anthology from 1,200 years ago, as a remedy for summer fatigue. The now-common "kabayaki" method of cooking eel originated in the Edo period (1603-1868). Eels are currently considered an endangered species, leading to advancements in aquaculture and substitutes.


In Japan, there is a belief that eating eel with pickled plums (umeboshi) is not advisable, but this is a myth. However, it is recommended to avoid consuming eels with water-rich foods like fruits or daikon radish, as they may hinder the digestion of the eel's rich fat content.

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