Glossary - Ingredients

Kabocha Squash / Japanese Pumpkin


In season from May to September



Loaded with carotenoids, this Japanese pumpkin is also a great source of vitamins B1, B2 and C.


It is important to select these densely heavy gourds for those that are brightly colored when cut open. As they age, the seeds sink, so be sure to choose those that have seeds aligned in straight, upright rows. When storing, remove the seeds and pulp to ensure this gourd keeps for as long as possible.

Cooking Tips

Western pumpkins with their sweet flavor and easily mash-able characteristics are well suited to both cooking and baking. Kabocha squash, Japanese pumpkins, have a high water content, and are rather sticky, with a light-flavor that makes these gourds well-suited for boiled dishes and vegetable tempura.

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