Glossary - Ingredients

Kinome / Japanese Pepper Tree Bud


A Japanese herb that adds a fresh, spicy aroma to dishes

What is kinome? 

Kinome (木の芽 in Japanese) are the buds of a Japanese pepper tree, which add the fresh taste of spring with a slight bit of spiciness to clear broth soups, grilled foods, or stews and “aemono” (dressed dishes often made with fresh seasonal vegetables).

Nutrition facts

The spiciness of the Japanese pepper tree bud is from an ingredient called "sanshool", which has the effect of increasing appetite and stimulating digestion.

Storage to prevent food loss

Sandwich buds in a moist paper towel then place in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Use as soon as possible as it spoils quickly.


Hold kinome buds between the palms of your hands and clap before adding to dishes for a stronger aroma.

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