Glossary - Ingredients



Powdered green tea used in Japanese tea ceremony, cooking, or in sweets

What is matcha?

Matcha (抹茶 in Japanese) is tea leaves grown without direct sunlight then steamed and dried, and finally ground to powder in a millstone. In Japanese tea ceremony, matcha is stirred with water using a "chasen" (bamboo whisk) before drinking. Also, it is used in "wagashi" (Japanese-style confectionery), ice creams and many other desserts, as well as in matcha lattes, and even in certain dishes.

 Nutrition facts

Catechin, the component that gives Japanese tea its tartness, acts as an antioxidant, and matcha also contains theanine and caffeine which can help with relaxation. Also rich in dietary fibers, vitamin E, and beta carotene.

Storage to prevent food loss

Store in an airtight container in a cool, dark place. If you put it in the refrigerator, moisture may get on it when you take it out, causing it to spoil.


Tea ceremony is the art of facing oneself and connecting with others through a cup of tea. Even if you don't have the proper tools, dissolve matcha in warm water and drink it slowly, then you may experience mindfulness.

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