

A traditional Mediterranean fish stew.

Cooking time
  • Nutrition facts are for one serving.
  • Time to soak is not included in the cooking time.

Ingredients(Servings: 20)

Ingredients(Servings: 20)

1 fillet

180 g (6 oz)



1.5 tbsp

200 g (7 fl. oz.)

1/2 cup

desired amount

a dash

a dash

proper amount

(A)Bouillon (broth)

1/2 tsp

1.5 cups


  1. Soak the saffron in white wine and set aside.
  2. Soak the clams in salted water to flush out any remaining sand then rinse and wash well.
  3. Peel the shrimp and remove the veins.
  4. Peel the potato, cut into edible size pieces and soak them in water.
  5. Heat olive oil in a pot, add in the tomato sauce and stir fry until it becomes a paste.
  6. Add in (1) through (4) and (A) and simmer for 10 minutes while occasionally removing any scum that may form on the surface.
  7. Season with salt, pepper and parsley.

    *Any variety of bream is a fine replacement for red bream if not available.

Cooking Basics

Asari clams / shijimi clams - purging shellfish

Even if the package says `pre-purged’, it is a good idea to purge shellfish one more time to be on the cautious side. For this it is important to mimic the environment the shellfish lived in as closely as is possible. Place Manila(asari) clams in a salt solution (about 2%; at 3% a salty taste many remain) slightly weaker than sea water, and place shijimi (tiny fresh water clams) in fresh water. Place both types of shellfish in a large tub and spread them out, fill to the top with either the salt solution or fresh water. Since a dark place facilitates sand purging, cover the tub with a newspaper and leave for at least 30 to 60 minutes. During the summer months, place in a refrigerator to ensure freshness.

Shrimp - deveining

Shrimp or prawns have a dark-colored intestinal tract (often called a vein) running down the length of their back, this needs to be removed. For shrimps in shells, before removing the shell, place a toothpick into the 2nd to 3rd abdominal segment from the head and gently remove this. By slightly bending the back this process is made easier. For headless shrimp, quite often the intestinal tract has been removed with the head.

Potatoes - soaking in water

Once cut, the starch in potatoes causes them to turn brown due to the process of oxidation. To avoid this soak cut potatoes in cold water. By doing so you will also be able to remove any starch on the surface and prepare less-starchy dishes. Completely cover in cold water and soak for about 10 minutes. Changing the water halfway through is not necessary.


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