- Kikkoman Announces Status of Acquisition of Own Shares[PDF:98.5KB]
- Notice Regarding Revision of Financial Results Forecast[PDF:127.5KB]
- Kikkoman Announces Acquisition of Own Shares[PDF:93.8KB]
- Notice Regarding Distribution of Retained Earnings (interim dividends)[PDF:101.8KB]
- Kikkoman Announces Completion of Payment and Partial Forfeiture of Treasury Stock Disposal as Restricted Stock Incentive for the Employee Shareholding Associations (Jul. 31, 2024)[PDF:139.9KB]
- Notice Regarding the Appointment of a Member of the Special Committee based on the Policy Regarding a Large-Scale Purchase of Kikkoman Shares (Takeover Defense Measure)[PDF:79.7KB]
- Kikkoman Announces Disposal of Treasury Stock as Restricted Stock Incentive for the Employee Shareholding Associations[PDF:217.9KB]
- Notice Regarding Distribution of Retained Earnings(Apr. 26, 2024)[PDF:100.3KB]
- Kikkoman Announces Change of Directors and Corporate Officers(Apr. 26, 2024)[PDF:72.1KB]
- Kikkoman Announces Status and Conclusion of Acquisition of Own Shares(Jan. 5, 2024)[PDF:117.0KB]
- Kikkoman Announces Status of Acquisition of Own Shares(Dec. 1, 2023)[PDF:88.9KB]
- Notice Regarding Revision of Financial Results Forecast and Dividend Forecast(Nov. 2, 2023)[PDF:559.8KB]
- Kikkoman Announces Status of Acquisition of Own Shares(Nov. 2, 2023)[PDF:89.2KB]
- Notice Regarding Distribution of Retained Earnings (interim dividends)(Oct. 25, 2023)[PDF:102.0KB]
- Notice Concerning Share Split and the Partial Amendment of the Articles of Incorporation Associated with the Share Split(Oct. 25, 2023)[PDF:93.6KB]
- Notice Concerning the Introduction of a Stock Incentive Plan for the Employees of the Kikkoman Group(Oct. 25, 2023)[PDF:85.0KB]
- Notice Concerning the Reorganization of the Production System at Kikkoman Corporation’s Wholly-owned Subsidiary(Oct. 25, 2023)[PDF:117.0KB]
- Kikkoman Announces Status of Acquisition of Own Shares(Oct. 3, 2023)[PDF:88.9KB]
- Notice Concerning the Dissolution and Liquidation of a Specified Subsidiary(Sep. 25, 2023)[PDF:170.6KB]
- Kikkoman Announces Status of Acquisition of Own Shares(Aug. 2, 2023)[PDF:88.9KB]
- Notice Concerning the Concluding of an Agreement Concerning the Transfer of Equity Interests in Association with the Transfer of a Specified Subsidiary (Sub-Subsidiary)[PDF:90.1KB]
- Notice Concerning the Transfer (Transfer of Equity Interest) of a Specified Subsidiary (Sub-Subsidiary)(Apr. 27, 2023)[PDF:81.2KB]
- Notice Regarding Distribution of Retained Earnings (Dividend increase and commemorative dividend)(Apr. 27, 2023)[PDF:99.5KB]
- Kikkoman Announces Acquisition of Own Shares(Apr. 27, 2023)[PDF:89.2KB]
- Notice Regarding Distribution of Retained Earnings (interim dividends)(Oct. 25, 2022)[PDF:96.2KB]
- Notice Regarding Distribution of Retained Earnings(Apr. 27, 2022)[PDF:99.6KB]
- Notice of Renewal of Policy Regarding a Large Scale Purchase of Kikkoman Shares (Takeover Defense Measure)(Apr. 27, 2022)[PDF:716.7KB]
- Notice Regarding the Revision of the Officers' Remuneration System (the revision of the amount of officers' remuneration and the introduction of a stock compensation plan for directors, etc. of Kikkoman Corporation)(Apr. 27, 2022)[PDF:300.0KB]
- (Correction) Notice of partial revision of the Kikkoman Corporation Flash Report 2021 (IFRS)(Apr. 26, 2022)[PDF:114.2KB]
- Kikkoman Announces Status and Conclusion of Acquisition of Own Shares(Apr. 01, 2022)[PDF:116.7KB]
- Kikkoman Announces Status of Acquisition of Own Shares(Mar. 03, 2022)[PDF:77.1KB]
- Kikkoman Announces Status of Acquisition of Own Shares(Feb. 03, 2022)[PDF:108.0KB]
- Kikkoman Announces Status of Acquisition of Own Shares(Jan. 06, 2022)[PDF:108.2KB]
- Kikkoman Announces Status of Acquisition of Own Shares(Dec. 03, 2021)[PDF:107.8KB]
- Kikkoman Announces Status of Acquisition of Own Shares(Nov. 02, 2021)[PDF:107.7KB]
- Notice Regarding Distribution of Retained Earnings (interim dividends) (Oct. 26, 2021)[PDF:85.7KB]
- Kikkoman Announces Status of Acquisition of Own Shares(Oct. 04, 2021)[PDF:108.0KB]
- Kikkoman Announces Status of Acquisition of Own Shares(Sep. 03, 2021)[PDF:107.8KB]
- Kikkoman Announces Status of Acquisition of Own Shares(Aug. 03, 2021)[PDF:89.2KB]
- Kikkoman Announces Status of Acquisition of Own Shares(July. 02, 2021)[PDF:89.2KB]
- Kikkoman Announces Status of Acquisition of Own Shares(June. 03, 2021)[PDF:111.8KB]
- Notice Regarding Distribution of Retained Earnings(Apr. 27, 2021)[PDF:87.9KB]
- Kikkoman Announces Acquisition of Own Shares(Apr. 27, 2021)[PDF:138.8KB]
- Notice Regarding Distribution of Retained Earnings (interim dividends)(Oct. 25, 2019)[PDF:37KB]
- Notice of Renewal of Policy Regarding a Large-Scale Purchase of Kikkoman Shares (Takeover Defense Measure)(Apr. 24, 2019)[PDF:399KB]
- Notice Regarding Distribution of Retained Earnings(Apr. 24, 2019)[PDF:101KB]
- Notice Regarding Distribution of Retained Earnings (interim dividends)(Oct. 24, 2018)[PDF:102KB]
- Notice regarding Cancellation of Treasury Shares(Apr. 26, 2018)[PDF:52KB]
- Kikkoman Announces Status and Conclusion of Acquisition of Own Shares(Feb. 02, 2018)[PDF:196KB]
- Kikkoman Announces Status of Acquisition of Own Shares(Jan. 09, 2018)[PDF:92KB]
- Kikkoman Announces Status of Acquisition of Own Shares(Dec. 04, 2017)[PDF:92KB]
- Kikkoman Announces Acquisition of Own Shares(Oct. 20, 2017)[PDF:112KB]
- Notice Regarding Distribution of Retained Earnings (100th Anniversary Commemorative Dividends)(Oct. 20, 2017)[PDF:99KB]
- Notice Regarding Change in Specific Subsidiary(June. 16, 2017)[PDF:12KB]
- Change in Number of Shares per Unit and Partial Amendment to Articles of Incorporation(Jan. 24, 2017)[PDF:67KB]
- Notice Regarding Change in Specific Subsidiary (Dec. 06, 2016)[PDF:85KB]
- Notice regarding correction of performance forecast (June 01, 2016)[PDF:84KB]
- Notice of Renewal of Policy Regarding a Large-Scale Purchase of Kikkoman Shares (Takeover Defense Measure) (Apr. 27, 2016)[PDF:306KB]
- Notice regarding Tendering Shares of Riken Vitamin in its Tender Offer and Change in Scope of Consolidation (Apr. 27, 2016)[PDF:114KB]
- Kikkoman Announces Status and Conclusion of Acquisition of Own Shares (Jan. 12, 2016)[PDF:113KB]
- Kikkoman Announces Status of Acquisition of Own Shares (Jan. 06, 2016)[PDF:55KB]
- Kikkoman Announces Status of Acquisition of Own Shares (Dec. 03, 2015)[PDF:93KB]
- Kikkoman Announces the Result of Acquisition by the Company of its Own Shares through Off-Auction Own Share Repurchase Trading (ToSTNeT-3) (Nov. 27, 2015)[PDF:163KB]
- Kikkoman Announces Acquisition of Own Shares (Nov. 26, 2015)[PDF:158KB]
- Kikkoman Announces Acquisition of Own Shares through Off-Auction Own Share Repurchase Trading (ToSTNeT-3) (Nov. 26, 2015)[PDF:180KB]
- Kikkoman Announces Status and Conclusion of Acquisition of Own Shares (Sep. 01, 2014)[PDF:109KB]
- Kikkoman Announces Status of Acquisition of Own Shares (Aug. 01, 2014)[PDF:70KB]
- Kikkoman Announces Status of Acquisition of Own Shares (July. 04, 2014)[PDF:70KB]
- Kikkoman Announces Status of Acquisition of Own Shares (June. 05, 2014)[PDF:70KB]
- Kikkoman Announces Status of Acquisition of Own Shares (May. 14, 2014)[PDF:5KB]
- Kikkoman Announces Acquisition of Own Shares (Apr. 25, 2014)[PDF:5KB]