Glossary - Ingredients

Hakusai / Napa Cabbage / Chinese Cabbage


Leafy greens with a light flavor used in a wide range of dishes as nabe”hot pot”, stir-fries, soups, and "tsukemono" (Japanese pickled vegetables)

What is hakusai? 

Hakusai / napa cabbage/ Chiniese cabbage (白菜 in Japanese) is a leafy green vegetable in season during winter in the northern hemisphere. Hakusai is used in a wide variety of dishes, such as nabe”hot pot”, stir-fries, soups, and even in pickled Japanese vegetables. The big, light yellow-green leaves contain a lot of water, and have a faint sweetness when eaten fresh. Called "hakusai" in Japanese, they're known as "napa cabbage" or "Chinese cabbage" in English among other names.

Nutrition facts

Low in calories with a lot of water. Because of its vitamin C content, when making soup or stir-fry, it is best to serve it with the broth so as not to lose any of its nutrients. It also contains potassium, which helps to remove excess salt from the body.

Storage to prevent food loss

A whole head of hakusai can keep for 2~3 weeks when wrapped in paper and stored in a cool, dark place, except during the hottest times of the year.

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