Glossary - Ingredients

Shungiku / Chrysanthemum Leaves


Bitter leafly greens with a distinctive coniferous-like aroma

What is shungiku? 

Shungiku / chrysanthemum leaves (春菊 in Japanese) are a vegetable in the family Asteraceae with a distinct aroma and bitter flavor. Shungiku variety is not the same as those grown for decoration. November to March is chrysanthemum season in the northern hemisphere, and it's a vital ingredient for hot pots in Japan. There are even varieties that aren't as bitter meant to be eaten fresh, and the leaves are used as a garnish or in pasta for Western-style cuisine.

Nutrition facts

Rich in beta carotene, as well as vitamins and minerals. The unique aroma comes from alpha pinene and perillaldehyde compounds, which work to improve gastrointestinal functions.

Storage to prevent food loss

When consumed within a few days, wrap the bottom of the stalk in a wet paper towel and then place the whole leaf into a plastic bag and refrigerate standing up. Can be cut into small pieces and placed in a freezer bag for storage in the freezer.


These leafy greens have been well-loved in Japan since the Muromachi period (1336-1573) and prized for its medical benefits boosting recovery and resistance.


Do note, the leaves are soft so overheating them could cause them to get mushy. It is recommended that you only boil them for one (1) minute at the longest.

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