How to cut vegetables


Cucumbers - rounds

Cut the cucumber at consistent widths from end to end. This is also called an edge cut when used for cucumbers or Japanese long onions.

Daikon radish - rounds

Peel the daikon radish, then cut into 4 to 5 cm (1.5 to 2 in.) width slices.

Tomatoes - rounds

Use the tip of the knife to remove the tomato stem, and slice at consistent widths from end to end.

Eggplants - rounds

Remove the stem of the eggplant, and slice at consistent widths from end to end.

Carrots - rounds

Peel the skin of the carrot, remove the stem, and slice at consistent widths from end to end.

Lotus root - rounds

Remove the skin of the lotus root, place it in water, and slice at consistent widths from end to end.

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