Greens - making a cross cut into the root
As the thick root takes longer to cook through, make a cross cut into the root to allow for faster cooking. This will also allow water to be absorbed more easily to increase crispiness.
Greens - soaking in water to revive
If the greens themselves are in good condition, they will have good texture when used in stir-fried and simmered dishes. Also, this step allows dirt trapped in the roots to be removed naturally.
Greens - separating leaves and stems
The cooking time required for stems and leaves differs. When you want to quickly saute or boil, stems and leaves need to be cut apart and added in at different times. First add in the stems, and once softened, add in the leaves to allow for even cooking.
Greens - boiling in salt
Add salt to plenty of boiling water to achieve salt concentration of about 1 - 2%, then add in the greens from the roots. After boiling for about 20 seconds, remove into cold water.